Fuddy/Diver 200K Mystery hits

This is a quick recap to a conversation I had with my brother, who is a State Trooper, over Christmas dinner with regards to what my family calls “the diver pictures”. These pics are the ones I pulled off the video taken of Loretta Fuddy in the water after the ‘engine failure’ in Hawaii, and can be found here. https://accidentalpatriot4.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/see-how-loretta-fuddy-was-murdered-photos-beyond-frightening/ . I believe they show a black ops type diver in the water with Loretta Fuddy minutes after the crash, holding her foot and injecting something.

In February of 2014 I posted the diver article. I sent it to the same 20 sites I had used before for my Obama birth certificate articles and went to bed. I was used to getting a few hundred hits total, but by the time I got up the next day, this article with the diver pics had been viewed over 100,000 times. I was stunned. And not only that, but they were all “direct in” views – not linked to anything like through someone’s facebook page, or twitter feed. I cannot even imagine what “network” had been given the link. It was getting a couple of hundred hits a minute and didn’t stop for 24 hours. Honestly, it scared the hell out of me, because I didn’t know if it was the “good guys” or the “bad guys” that were looking.  But at the end of the day this article had a couple of hundred thousand hits. To me that meant someone somewhere was freaking out or was very interested. And if that many mystery people were interested, these divers in the pics were more than my imagination – (told ya’ so Mom). And the curious coincidence that I never followed up on is the odd death of the two Navy Seals in the Seychelles Islands in February 20, 2014 aboard the Maersk Alabama. The video of the plane crash was made public on February 14, 2014.

When I told my brother this story of what happened with these almost viral hits when I published the Fuddy diver article, he got very quiet. I could literally see a change in his eyes, and for the first time, he listened to me with a truly open mind. He said to me, “You should have told me that story a long time ago.” This is the set of facts that made him realize I wasn’t completely delusional. This brother is the one who, up to then, still believed the government was on our side, that the press would never lie, and that the fact that I believe that literal evil has overtaken our world, makes me a crazy “conspiracy nut”. Because he knows I am not an idiot, this confused him. We have had numerous conversations regarding the whys and hows of why I fully believe that there is a malevolent power structure pulling all the strings, that who we think we elect is not real, that we are being lied to and have been for more time than we would believe possible, and that we are not going to like where we are going. One comment about the mysterious 200 thousand overnight hits convinced him of my truth. We all just really need to wake up. Evil exists.

Donald Trump is our rowboat – get on board now

nickel-copyI am so tired of hearing the sheep whining, I can’t vote for someone who said the word “p****”, and said f***, and called a woman fat. Oh, give me a break and GROW UP. I too cringe at every rude, insulting comment Trump makes.  But this election has gone far beyond the “republican-democrat” parameters. This election is almost the quintessential good vs. evil IMHO. Hillary and  the Clinton machine may be an evil we cannot yet even comprehend. I believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads and it it terrifying. Read the following from an editorial by Wayne Allen Root – says it all.

A Message For Christians About Donald Trump

I am a Jew turned evangelical Christian. I am also a passionate supporter of Donald Trump.

I have a message for Christians who don’t like Donald Trump: “YOU’RE MISSING THE BOAT.” Christians have Trump all wrong. God sends messages in many forms. You’re just not listening. God is talking, but you’re eyes and ears are closed.

Here’s a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.

“A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof of home with massive flooding up to 2nd floor.

Rowboat comes.  He says “No, I’m waiting for God. I’ve prayed and I know he’s coming.”

2ndrowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”

3rd rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”

Water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious man says “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?” God says, “Hey dummy, I sent you 3 rowboats. Are you blind?”

Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?

Maybe God is trying to tell us something important- that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior.

Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished.Maybe the rules of gentleman don’t apply here. Maybe a gentleman and “all-around nice Christian” would lead us to slaughter.

Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to “the promised land?” Did they change the direction of America? No, because if you don’t win, you have no say. Paul Ryan couldn’t even deliver his own state Wisconsin!And as leader of the House, Paul Ryan rolls over to Obama like my dog rolls over for a scrap of food, or a steak bone. He’s a useful idiot. Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan…not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.

Maybe God is knocking on your door so loud, but you’re not listening. Maybe God understands we need a “war leader” at this moment in time. Maybe God understands if we don’t win this election, America is dead. It’s over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.

And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven’t ever experienced before- because you weren’t raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you’re combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too. Someone with a personality you’ve never seen on stage at your church.

Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Hillary, and her billion dollars, and her best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.

I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you’ve missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary God is a pretty tough guy. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.

Maybe you think God couldn’t possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude. When we won WWII, was God “nice?” Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan? Is God ever “nice” on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB’s like General George S. Patton, so the good guys can defeat evil?

It’s pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be “war leaders.” That’s a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that. Maybe God purposely sent Trump instead of the nice Republican powder puffs like Paul Ryan, or Mitt Romney, or John Kasich because he wants us to win. And maybe it’s time to re-define “nice.” Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren’t nice at all- because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America. And God can’t allow that.

Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.Or maybe they’re just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they’d rather help elect Hillary than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.

I was reading the Bible this morning and I found the perfect verse that explains the success of Donald Trump…

“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary,They shall walk and not faint.” (Isiah 40:30-31) It’s almost like God created this verse for Donald Trump and this moment in history.

Trump is our energy. More energy than any candidate EVER. He took on the 16 best candidates in GOP history…all younger than him…all with better political credentials…and destroyed them with his energy. You mean that kind of energy in a 70-year old isn’t inspired by God?

Trump renews our strength. Or does the all-time record turnout and all-time record votes for a GOP presidential primary candidate not define “strength?”

With Trump we mount up with wings like eagles. With Trump as our leader there is nothing we can’t do. Any man that can build skyscrapers in Manhattan and vanquish 16 presidential opponents, while spending almost nothing…can lead us to the heights of eagles.

With Trump we run, we are not weary. Just when we get tired of the fight against Obama, Hillary, big government, big business, big media, big unions…just when it all seems impossible to overcome the powerful forces of evil… along comes Trump to re-energize us.

Trump inspires us. Trump gives us hope. Trump gives us confidence in victory. Trump gives us just a touch of arrogance. Maybe God understands that’s exactly what we need right at this late stage to save America.

So let me repeat my message to Christians: “YOU’RE MISSING THE BOAT.”

God is about miracles. We don’t need a “nice guy” or a “gentleman” right now. It’s the 4th quarter and we’re losing 14-0. We need a miracle. I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he’s more like a battleship!

No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time. Yes, he’s a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values.

The choice should be easy for Christians.It’s Trump…or it’s the end of the America.


Barack Obama is the real “birther”, not Donald Trump

Okay –so here’s the deal – do you know who the original “birther” is? It is not Donald Trump, it is Barack Obama. His bio said “born in Kenya” for 16 years. I don’t care who took the fall for it at his publisher’s office, I do NOT believe that he was ignorant of what his bio said for 16 years. I don’t believe there is an author in the world that does not know what his/her bio says. It was on the publishers website, and was updated regularly. BHO is too smart to have been unaware of this. Obama Literary Agent Website Bio said “Born in Kenya” for 16 Years . I believe that Barack Obama used his Kenyan parentage to his advantage when it was convenient to do so (i.e. until he decided to run for president). It was interesting and exotic and very “black” to be from Kenya.  So, his bio was either a lie for 16 years, or it wasn’t. This is a valid question that America should have asked before we elected him.  So why should we say now that someone like Donald Trump is “racially biased” if he simply points out the fact that Obama himself used “born in Kenya”? Why shouldn’t this FACT of the “born in Kenya” bio be questioned as to its veracity? All we are asking is – was Obama born in Kenya as his bio stated, or in Hawaii as he NOW states?

So, let’s just stipulate now that Hawaii is the correct birthplace, and the 16 year bio was a lie or misstatement or whatever you want to call it. I am NOT a birther – I am a “birth certificate doubter”.  I believe 100% that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and his bio was a lie. I also believe 100% that what is being presented as his birth certificate is a forgery.  I came to this conclusion several years ago when I did my own research and analysis on what was being presented as the PDF file of the “real” certificate. Many others have found numerous problems with it – I’m not saying yeah or nay on those, all I know it what I KNOW from my own experience and observations.

More Evidence of Computer Generated Fraud on Obama’s Birth Certificate Date Stamp

“FrankenFive” and Why He Matters

What Makes Me a Low Tech Smarty Pants on

I also came to a rude awakening at that time (in 2011), that the concept of investigative journalism was dead. There are no more Woodward and Bernsteins out there looking for the truth. No one in the “media” wants to even entertain the concerns with this document – they just shut their eyes and spout the “conspiracy theorist” mantra, as if that will make the anomalies go away. Donald Trump, and yes – oooo –  Hillary Clinton’s people,  attempted in 2007 – 2012 to get someone in the media, or in the legal system to push this – it’s really an easy one for someone to do. In Hawaii there are big orange books with all the original documents in them.


Loretta Fuddy and the Hawaii birth certificate binders

The one with Obama’s certificate is locked up, and no one is allowed to see it. The woman who locked it up is dead (or disappeared) in smelly circumstances. Was The Death of the Obama Birth Certificate Verifier Caught on Video?

All I want to know, and I’m sure Donald Trump and millions of other people also want to know, is what THAT document says. Not what the PDF “certificate” says. Until someone official and completely bipartisan is allowed to see that book, this will NOT go away. We are not “birthers”, we are “truthers”. And this is not a “racist” request. John McCain was born in Panama, Mitt Romney’s father was born in Mexico, and Ted Cruz’s father was Cuban, and Ted was born in Canada.  We needed to see documents on these candidates also. So when Barack Obama himself said “born in Kenya” for 16 years, it is not “racist” to ask to see the documents that override this statement,  and it is not “racist” to question the veracity of the PDF document  that was presented. Good grief – this is just freakin’ common sense!!! God bless America.

Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald and a Pretty Girl in a Bikini.

Donald Trump puts the name Rafael Cruz Sr. and Lee Harvey Oswald into the same sentence, and after a year long battle, Ted Cruz stunned us all by throwing in the towel. First though, he had a hissy fit and called Trump an immoral narcissistic and a pathological liar. But he didn’t deny the claim. “This is nuts.” is not a denial. As expected, the media jumped all over Trump for trucking with “conspiracies”, but do you know what? Where there is smoke, there is often fire. There are actually pages and pages of information outlining the inconsistencies in Rafael Cruz’s background – the words CIA, Cuba, Castro, New Orleans and Dallas are used a lot –all of which apply to Lee Harvey Oswald, too. The National Enquirer used a picture that they claim shows Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald together in August of 1963 in New Orleans. The resolution isn’t great, and I’d give it a 50/50 chance of being Cruz.

But there is another photo out there that is much more interesting. I’d give this one a much higher chance of being Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald together in what appears to be a very friendly and social situation. There has been speculation that the woman in the picture in one of Jack Ruby’s strippers, but she’s also been possibly identified as Marina Oswald.  If it is one of Jack Ruby’s girls, that would open a whole other can of speculative worms.


Rafael Cruz?, Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina – Jack Ruby’s girl?


Comparison of known photos of Rafael Cruz with suspected photo with Lee Harvey Oswald


Various photos of Marina Oswald


Jack Ruby and a friend








And either way, it could give credence to the Cruz-Oswald connection, and it seems like that is something we should know, because it does matter if our elected leaders are who they say they are. I think Ted’s hug with his Dad (at the expense of his wife’s nose) when he suspended his campaign showed the understanding between them of the “what and why fore” of Ted’s announcement that night in Indiana.

If Rafael Sr. had stayed in the background maybe this would all be a decades old non-issue, but he chose to put himself front and center as an influential figure in Rafael Jr. (Ted’s) campaign – and that makes his past fair game. It would be a wonderful use of the first amendment if the professional media would actually investigate the possibilities here, instead of burying their collective heads in the sands of denial on the grounds of “it’s a conspiracy theory” – which really means, we’re too lazy and scared of our own reputations to look into it, so we’ll just make fun of people and “censor” those who question the “party line”.

These are just a few of the sites that have pretty extensive research on the Rafael Cruz’s background and the possible Oswald connection – just sayin….




Obama wouldn’t pass a security clearance check

I’m re-posting this because IT ROCKS! Racer Jim posted this on    http://www.birtherreport.com/2014/08/scotus-shattering-8-prominent-groups.html

Even ignoring all the fake birth certificate stuff, and the invalid SSN … this is the best summary of who managed to get elected (through massive fraud on multiple levels) to the highest position in the United States. The person described below would have trouble passing a security clearance to work as a clerk at the White House. This is an embarrassment to the United States, and a reason why we, as a people, really must demand more proof of who our elected officials really are.

FYI – this is all factual and well verified information. If only someone had bothered to check before 2007. Thumbs down MSM. When i get a chance, I will fill in the blanks on this – but read it and weep.

“What I find suspicious is someone who was born to a Muslim Marxist father and an Atheist Communist mother, whose father’s parents also were Muslim Marxists and whose mother’s parents also were Atheist Communists, who spent five years attending grade school in an Islamic (Muslim) country registered under a different name as a citizen of that Islamic (Muslim) country, who was mentored by a radical Marxist member of the Communist Party of the Untied States of America during his teenage and early college years, who sought out and associated with radical Communists and Marxists during college, who was then mentored for twenty years by a Marxist “GOD DAMN AMERICA” Black Theology preacher, who had his political career initiated by the domestic terrorist couple who founded the radical Communist organization “Weather Underground”, who committed perjury on his law license application, who denounced the U.S. Constitution as a doctrine of negative liberties and allowed his publicist’s bio of him to say he was Kenyan born for 17 years through 3-4 revisions running for President of the Untied State of America. 

For crying out loud, all the above notwithstanding, in 2008 the Democratic Party of Hawaii INTENTIONALLY deleted the required by Hawaii law verbiage “under the provision’s of the United States Constitution” from the certification statement on it’s “Official Certification Of Nomination”…effectively certifying Obama not eligible to serve as President. That’s Obama’s own party in his own (birth) state trying to prevent him from being elected. “

Racer jim

Faithless Execution – Impeachment is a matter of political will

Pesky Truth


Note: This column is adapted from a speech given in New York City on May 29, announcing the publication of Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment.

Impeachment is a matter of political will, not high crimes and misdemeanors.

By Andrew C. McCarthy, Published May 31, 2014 on National Review.com

Faithless Execution is about presidential lawlessness.

Specifically, my new book, which Encounter Books will release this week, is about how the Framers of our Constitution fully anticipated that a president could fail to honor his core duty to execute the laws faithfully – could fail to meet his basic fiduciary obligations to the American people.

Viewing the Obama presidency through the prism of these constitutional norms, Faithless Execution argues that we are experiencing a different kind of presidential lawlessness than our nation has ever known: a systematic undermining of our governing framework, willfully carried out by a…

View original post 1,806 more words

Obama Literary Agent Website Bio said “Born in Kenya” for 16 Years

I have been accused, as have many “birthers” have, of being racist because we dared to ask for Mr. Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate. The claim is that no on ever asked any other candidate to prove where they were born – so clearly the need to see the actual certificate was based on racism. I pointed out that no other candidate had indicated that they were born in a foreign country for over 16 years. I was accused of “making up” this fact. I did the following screen shots to prove that I was stating a FACT.

Obama had a bio published by his literary agent Acton & Dystel in 1991 that clearly states he was born in Kenya. I know we have heard the following disclaimer from Miriam Goderich in 2012:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

It is clear that she is referring to the  1991 brochure published by her company. See full text here:


There are two problems here. First, it is industry standard procedure for an author to provide their own bio. After all, they are the writer, and who knows them better than themselves. And even Miriam herself says that she “edited the text of the bio”  and “fact checked it”. Semantics – she never says she wrote it. In fact, on the Dystel & Goderich website, part of the “non fiction submission guidelines” is a “formal narrative bio of the author”http://www.dystel.com/nonfiction-proposal-guidelines/  It seems logical that requirement would have been in place in 1991.

The second problem is that it is not just a brochure published in 1991. The same bio was present on the Acton & Dystel and later Dystel & Goderich website starting in 1998. And it stayed there, and was edited during that time. It added that he was was the Junior Democratic Senator from Illinois, and that he was also the Keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic Convention. It said “born in Kenya” until April of 2007, even though someone was obviously very diligent about updating it to add important new details.

Does anyone believe that Miriam Goderich was just updating all her clients bios for years, without once asking for an approval or asking for  permission to make the changes? I for one DO NOT think that she did that. Nor do I think that Mr. Obama never ONCE looked at his bio in 16 years. I believe that he was aware of it and was concerned with keeping is up to date and accurate. I believe he wrote it and maintained the “born in Kenya” until such time as it became important to have NOT been born in Kenya. From April 2007 on, he was “born in Hawaii”.

Just look at the screen shots. Does it make sense for anyone to leave inaccurate information on the internet for 16 years? These are from a very interesting site called archive.org – The Wayback Machine. Snapshots of web pages over the years have been preserved there. These are just some of hundreds of dates I could have used from the Dytsel & Goderich website over the last 15 years.

June  27,1998 – Born in Kenya

Dystel Obama Bio1998 - born in Kenya

September 1, 2005 – Junior Democratic Senator and Keynote speaker are added – still born in Kenya

Dystel Obama Bio 2005 Born in Kenya

March 26, 2007 – still “Born in Kenya”

Dystel Obama Bio March 2007 - born in Kenya

July 27, 2007 – A miracle – he was reborn in Hawaii – AND he’s a presidential candidate – how coincidental!  And his poor Dad is no longer a Finance Minister. How sad – just a regular fellow from a small town in Kenya…

Dystel Obama Bio July 2007 - NOW born in Hawaii

So there you have it.  Does anybody out there know anyone else over the age of 6 who has  allowed themselves to be incorrectly represented as having been born in a foreign country for a decade and half? Anyone Googling Barack Obama would have found this bio and would have no reason the doubt he was born in Kenya. This is why so many people are confused about where he was born.

Was The Death of the Obama Birth Certificate Verifier Caught on Video?

Since the day it was announced that Loretta Fuddy, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health who verified Obama’s birth certificate died mysteriously in a plane crash, there was some question of whether is was really  an “accident”. The authorities seem to be saying, yes. But, because of her close ties to the fraudulent Obama Birth Certificate,  many people fear that she was the most recent  in Obama’s “dead pool” and haven’t stopped looking for real answers. It seems  that amateur bloggers and Youtubers are the new Investigative Journalists in this new media society of “give the President a pass, or be a racist”.

I recently came across a video and still photos that were meticulously retrieved by a fellow blogger, from the Ferdinand Puentes GoCam videos that he took of the plane crash on December 11, 2013 in which  Loretta Fuddy  died. The photos can be found here:  http://butterdezillion.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/extras/ . She has more  shots there than I am showing, so check it out. Many thanks – great work!

The Puentes video originally aired on ABC in January 2014 and can be seen here. http://abcnews.go.com/US/harrowing-video-hawaiian-plane-crash-inside-cabin/story?id=21484715  The segment depicted below is at about 3:33 minutes in the video and lasts about 3 seconds.  There has been a lot of speculation about this “accident”, as so many things just don’t add up. The story of a tragic death was reported before rescuers had even gotten to the plane. First reports indicated someone remained in the plane, when in fact, all got out. And the only death was the one person who really might know the truth about Obama’s birth certificate. It took a month for vague autopsy results. The local police and the NTSB couldn’t decide who was in charge of the investigation into her death.

Dr. Fuddys death was declared to be from a problem with her heart – natural causes, and we’re all supposed to believe that it was all just a tragic accident, but after  seeing these photos, all doubt is gone. As I looked through the still shots taken from the video, my blood froze, because I knew what I was seeing. I am seeing a diver do something to Loretta Fuddy, which I assume was murder, and it chills me to the bone. I hope that law enforcement can be made aware of what seems to be shown in these pictures, so they can investigate it. Just look, please. Form your own opinion.

The first photos are reference photos  of what I think you’ll be able to see in the actual photos.  (they are NOT actual photos of the divers in the video- the shoe is really Dr. Fuddy’s)



The photos below are in sequence. The ones on the left are the originals – to the right I have highlighted what  I see. Beyond frightening. This whole video sequence takes about 3 seconds in real time.The series of photos shown below are the actual stills of the events that are shown on Ferdinand Puentes video. http://abcnews.go.com/US/harrowing-video-hawaiian-plane-crash-inside-cabin/story?id=21484715   These photos have been zoomed and cropped by Butterdezillion. In the GoPro video, the action is actually quite a distance away. You can click on any set to enlarge them to see better.

Start with Picture #1, and follow the sequence like a movie. I have labeled people and things on the right hand picture. This is Loretta Fuddy on the right and Keith Yamamoto on the left. He is looking at her. She is laying back into her flotation device. Her head is just visible and one shoe is visible. The shoe is important – and remember, all of this takes 3 seconds in real time.

Loretta Fuddy MurderLoretta Fuddy murderLoretta Fuddy MurderLoretta Fuddy Murder 4Loretta Fuddy Murder6 copy7 - Fuddy Murder8 Fuddy Murder9 Fuddy Murder10 Fuddy Murder

So, there you have it. Loretta Fuddy is floating in her life jacket holding hands with her Assistant, Keith Yamamoto. A diver completely dressed in black surfaces momentarily for about 3 seconds and seems to be doing something to her foot or leg. My theory is that he administered some  type of injection that ultimately caused Dr. Fuddy’s death. The he lets go and vanishes. The plan was not to be seen, but she may have felt something and pulled her foot away, and he had no choice but to surface to get to the foot. I have no idea why that would be so important, unless they felt that a medical examiner is less likely to see an injection site on a foot or ankle.

Others seem to think that what I see as a foot is a second diver, because Loretta Fuddy was wearing “Black shoes”. As we see from the top reference pictures, the shoes had a tan or beige sole, which with the lighting could easily brighten to light yellow. Look at the head of the man in the foreground – he’s yellow, too. Also, the  GoPro cameras have a slight fish-eye effect, due to the wide angle lense. It gives a convex appearance – where objects in the middle appear closer than objects on the sides, and distances are different, too – depending on where they are in the lense.  As we know the plane sank within 25 minutes, and it is still visible in the video, there are NOT rescue divers. The two hands holding the foot in picture #5 are what makes me sure of what I’m seeing. 

Picture # 5 shows two hands holding the yellow shoe, # 6 shows both hands releasing the shoe.


Even if I’m wrong about the shoe – this IS A DIVER who shouldn’t be there and is clearly up to no good. Whatever this is – it is frightening. I hope that the right people are made aware of this and that it can be followed up on appropriately.

FYI -this pictures terrifies me. What kind of world do we live in? The further implication to this photo is that this was a STAGED accident. It is no coincidence that a plane lost it’s engine within swimming distance of two divers/assassins. We also then have to wonder if the pilot was in on it, unless the divers were ON THE PLANE and the engine was sabotaged. Either way, someone planned this, and Dr. Fuddy is dead.

 Obama vacationed in Hawaii 10 days later. Had Dr. Fuddy indicated to the wrong people that she would like to “talk” to him about “things” i.e the fraudulent birth certificate she personally signed off on? Step up law enforcement and main stream media, before it’s too late for all of us, too.

More Evidence of Computer Generated Fraud on Obama’s Birth Certificate Date Stamp


One of the first odd things I noticed on the birth certificate months ago, is what I call the “Frankenfive” It appears in the registrars date stamp that supposedly “certifies” the document. This can’t be a real rubber stamp. That little side “wing” is a dead giveaway. That is not something that would be found on a rubber office stamp. Like Frankenstein, it appears to be made of parts of other things – not what one wants to see on an official document, is it?

Here are the date stamps on the higher resolution Press photo/scan, and the form on http://www.whitehouse.gov. The stamp on the bottom shows a “5” from the same Hawaii date stamp from 6 weeks earlier. It is a regular “5” with NO WINGS.  That stamp could not have made the stamp on the 25th. No stamp could have. (FYI – take note that the MAR 15 is what a stamp on security paper and scanned to a computer SHOULD LOOK LIKE. The one on whitehouse.gov really shouldn’t be fooling anyone.)


There is also a problem with positioning and sizing that can’t be explained by a rubber stamp. The vertical difference is okay for a stamp, the SIZE of the “5” and the horizontal positioning can’t be explained by a stamp.

Click to enlarge - see the many differences in the "fives" - that should be the same as they came from the same stamp!

Click to enlarge – see the many differences in the “fives” – that should be the same as they came from the same stamp!

I also want to address a common objection that “it’s just a smeared stamp.” or “It’s a dirty stamp.”  A dirty stamp will be blurry, no sharp edges as are shown here. If the stamp were smudged, all the numbers would be smudged. Here are some samples of smudged and dirty stamps that I did myself.  I can’t make just one or two numbers smudgy. The whole bar is affected by motion or double stamps. I can’t  stamp anything close to what we are seeing on the birth certificate.


The Franken Five and its fellow “2” are not from a stamp – they are computer generated. How they were made interested me. Recreating them became a challenge, and if I could prove the birth certificate to be a fraud… well then, extra points for me. At the time, I made an intuitive guess that the forgers had altered a “6” to make a “5”, in order to CHANGE the date from 26 to 25, as you can see a faint rounded top on the higher resolution “5” that shouldn’t be there.  I assumed that the forgers had made a “mistake”, and I looked at the “5” from that perspective. However, since I completed my analysis of the “X” (click to read) I have come to the conclusion that what is being done graphically on this certificate, is being done intentionally, either as a “signature” or “catch me if you can type of thing”, rather than on a “need to” basis. In other words, they didn’t need to change the “5”, but they did anyway. My theory is that, like the “X”, it was done with the intention of “hiding something in plain sight.” On the “X” they left 4 random scratches as a “clue”. On the FrankenFive, they added “wings”.

With that new perspective, I decided to take another look at the FrankenFive to see if I could see anything differently than I did initially . With my understanding  of how creatively the “X” was done, I expanded my thoughts on what was used to make the ‘5”. My “six” recreation was close, but I wasn’t happy with it. It also now seemed too simple and mundane for whoever did this. The forger did something very interesting and creative with the “X”, so I looked harder at the “5”. In a classic example of deus ex machina, a reader mentioned to me that the “X” looked like a Greek “ Chi”. That was true, and just on a whim, I Googled “Greek numbers”, and this is what came up.


This is a Sigma. In some versions the call it  a Stigma. I gather that they are archaic, rarely used symbols. Please don’t lecture me about my lack of knowledge of Greek – I’m trusting Google. Anyway, what an interesting set of items we have here! I downloaded these examples, and was fascinated to find out how well the Sigmas worked for my little FrankenFive recreation.

This is two different Sigmas overlaid. The “wings” are the end tabs from the modern “Z like” Sigma. Then I added one vertical line and one horizontal line to connect them. So if the “X” is a pile of “2”, then the “5” is a pile of “sigmas” or Greek “6”s. Again, these are just rotated and resized, with slight erasures. I wasn’t trying to get an exact match, but …WOW!

afinal 5 copy

But wait, there’s MORE!

If you look at this date stamp, the “2” to its left is pretty funky. Again, it’s been assumed that it was made with a dirty stamp. Even I largely ignored it. But there it sat, next to the Five as I was doing the drag and drop with the Sigmas.  It actually has A LOT wrong with it – different width, front arch doesn’t match the 2011 “2”, and the width is bizarre. At some point, I took notice of the fat “2”, and out of curiosity, I dragged and dropped a sigma onto the “2” in 2011, and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED. If there was any doubt in my mind that I was heading the right direction with the Franken Five and the Sigmas, the fact that the “2” is also made with  overlaid Sigmas put that to rest. I’m not a gambler, and I hate math, but I bet the odds of this being a coincidence is pretty high.


To conclude, I believe that the Sigmas are what are being hidden in plain sight. Do I know why? I have an idea, but it will need its own post. I know the objections I will get to this recreation. So, I will answer them all in one sentence. No, I don’t KNOW if this is HOW it was done, or WHY it was done, or even WHO did it. At this point, I’m just the investigator following the clues and putting them together the best I can.  What I do know at this point is that this stamp is a fraud. This 25 could not have been made with a date stamp. This number was made on a computer.



100% Computer Generated Element on Obama Birth Certificate = Fraud

There is one “anomaly” on the birth certificate that is frequently mentioned, but has never been discussed. I think that’s because no one has any idea what to make of it. So it’s dismissed as “odd”. I’m going to tell why it’s more than “odd”. Because, I DO think I know what to make of it. It is a 100% computer generated element, and I can prove it step by step. If you want to see just the final comparison, skip to the bottom of the post. So what is this “anomaly”?


Very ODD scribble in the M.D. box

It’s the scribble in the M.D. box next to David Sinclair’s signature. I suppose we are to believe that this Doctor, who signed the certificate in such neat and elegant script, suddenly had some kind of seizure or pen malfunction that caused him to scribble all over – not just his own box, but the box above it, too. It’s not just a big black scrawled “X”, there appears to be something lighter colored under it, and several stray lines above it. It’s just too weird for me to dismiss without a second – or third look. It looks intentional and not at all natural.


High Resolution version of the FAKE computer generated “X”

So I decided to open the AP press version, which has a much higher resolution than the certificate with the green background  in Photoshop, because it is so much clearer and more detailed. This is what we see when we look at it zoomed in. Now this is looking very weird and very contrived. I dare you to write an “X” like this, right now. Pretend you’re filling out a form and need to mark a box. Is there ANY WAY that this is what you would do? I bet you can’t do it if you try. Because, it wasn’t done with a pen in 1961, or 2011, or EVER.

There are several other things wrong here, too.

  • For starters, the box itself is LARGER than all the other boxes. This is a  preprinted   form. The boxes should be the same size.
  • Second, is the very clear semicircle to the right of the center of the X. That is NOT a part of any natural hand drawn X.
  • There is also a lighter semicircle ABOVE the center of the “X” – not part of the “X”.
  • Also, the little lines above the X seem to start and stop on one side or the other of that big line. A natural scribble wouldn’t do that.

To me the whole “scribble” looked “manmade” i.e. computer generated, and it reeks of some kind of layering, and A LOT of graphic manipulation. I played around with the idea that parts of the signatures had been cut and pasted to make the “X”, but nothing fit those odd flares at the tips. I then decided to see if I could identify and/or recreate the base layer, which appears to be the lighter gray rounded area above the M.D. box. By adjusting the resolution in Photoshop, I decided that it most resembled a backwards “2”. To make a comparison, I typed a “2” next to the scribble, flipped it backward, and then started to run through the Photoshop fonts to see if I could find one that was a close match. I think I finally just ended up using Arial, but that’s not the important part now. The important part is what I saw when I used the font “segoe script”.


Note the flaring base on this number

And there it was. The base of the “2” appeared to match the swooping ends of the “X”. Just for fun, I erased the top of the two and dragged the base over to the original scribble and overlayed it. And to my absolute AMAZEMENT, with only a minor bit of rotating  and resizing, it matched the main parts of the “X” with 100% accuracy. This stunned me. Not only did the background of the scribble appear to be  two Arial “2” s, one gray and one black, but the main “X” was made of “2”s also. The scribble is a pile of “2”s. Before you tell me to get my tinfoil hat, just look at the 100% match – original and computer generated.


This is just down and dirty cut and paste with minimal reorientation and resizing – REMARKABLE MATCH, dontcha think? Mystery of the “X” solved, if you ask me. Here’s where the people who refuse to see the problems with this document will say, “Why would someone go to all that effort?” I can tell you what I think. Someone started with a blank certificate scanned into a graphics program, and they needed to add an “X” . They couldn’t just draw it in with a pen as there was no paper document. So they had to graphically design something that resembled handwriting. Pretty ingenious. I DO KNOW this “X’ was not made with a pen.  And I DO KNOW that this pile of “2”s is an irrefutable match. This “X” was computer generated. 

So with the “X” solved, I then turned my attention to the scribbles in the box above it. The more I looked at the scratches, the more I realized I KNEW what I was looking at. I was looking at FOUR MORE bases of segoe script “2”srotated and resized.

1comparioan2 copy

Again, this is just a quick cut and paste job – no real editing at this point – but the match is REMARKABLE. As to why they are there, I can only reference my own experience with Photoshop “drag and drop” elements and layering. A new element has to be dropped on the page from another page. If there are a lot of layers open, sometimes the element gets “misplaced”. Sometimes a layer that was hidden gets revealed by accident when another layer moves. It is complicated, but very possible for this type of error to occur when a lot of elements are being relocated in a GRAPHICS PROGRAM. It may also have been intentional.

1comparison3 copy

I have done a slight bit of erasing – I wasn’t trying to make it an exact match. My point wasn’t to duplicate the element exactly, the point was to show how easy it is to recreate the element just by cutting and pasting a whole pile of 2’s.  I know what “they” will say. “It’s just a coincidence.” Well, I think too many coincidences start to be a real Incidence. Nine times I was able to place the base of a segoe print “2” in positions to 100% match the original document. That stops being coincidence.


The one on the Right is the one I made today in Photoshop with Twos

On this comparison,  I printed the gray  example from above onto green bar paper, because that is how I believe the certificate was made, then I scanned it into the computer, which is what I think the White House did. It is the SAME as the original. This a fully computer generated element, as there is NO HANDWRITING involved in this scribble. As the whole certificate, in my opinion, is computer generated, the “X” had to be computer generated also. They couldn’t use real pen and ink, because there was no real paper certificate.  It was NOT copied directly from an old 1961 form. This “X’ doesn’t exist on any paper document prior to it’s creation in 2011.  It was MADE in a computer, as was the entire Obama Long Form Birth Certificate.